The Agile Coach
Marketing Stunt
Hottest 100 Day!
They Call Them Phones
Not A Democracy
The New Developer (Part 2)
[Image description: 3-panel comic.
First panel: Four people standing by a water cooler. One of them is the new developer.
Man: So what’s your role, anyway? Testing? Documentation?
New developer: Security and penetration testing.
Man: Heh. Pene-
Second panel: Same scene. The new developer is kicking the man who spoke in the ribs.
Man: Ooph.
Third panel: Same scene. The man is holding his ribs and the new developer has her hands on her hips.
New developer: Sorry, reflex. … Anyone else? ]
The New Developer
[Image description: Three panel comic.
First panel: Girl with bright red hair in a pony-tail, flying a spaceship, pursuing and shooting at another spaceship.
Second panel: Same girl, holding a lightsaber and deflecting a blaster shot. There is a man in white space armour on the ground with a blaster burn on his chest, and a spaceship in the background.
Third panel: Same girl, back in the office, asleep on her bottom desk. The architect is saying “I want the new developer in my office in five minutes.” Another developer whispers to a colleague, “I guess we better wake her up?”]
Charlie Hebdo
Code Review
[Image description: Three panel comic.
First panel: Man and woman looking at a computer screen.
Woman: What is that?
Man: I’ve implemented a generic, threadsafe lazy-loading helper class!
Second panel: Same scene.
Woman: You mean like the built-in Lazy<…> class?
Man: Uh…
Third panel: A keyboard. The woman’s finger is reaching for the Del key.
Man: Well, as long as I’ve written it anyway…
Woman: Nuh-uh.]